I didn't know a light fixture and a table could make me so happy! My husband and I are elated. We want to thank you for making our house into a home we are so proud of!!! I've gotten so many compliments on the light fixture already!
Have a great weekend,
S & B. Johnson
We're home (from our tropical vacation), and I'm sooooooo in love with this house. I almost kissed the floor when I walked in the door! The bathroom, closet, new living room are all beautiful!!! I've been walking around getting rid of anything cheesy, because my standards have suddenly risen. Thank you guys for all of your hard work! Loved finding your note, too, but I will really love seeing you. Tell Ann she was right about how gorgeous the bathroom is. The pictures didn't do it justice! It's light and happy.
Sioux Falls
It is such a privilege to see you, Sarah and staff recognized in the media. I certainly can attest to the quality of your work. Congratulations!!
Fondly, G
Sue F.
"Of course we always knew that if we found it at Twetten's, it would be fine"
John S.
"Jerry has been a critique and a creator for us. He created frames for us many times. This guy...I have him to thank. He designs for us and gives us a critique in such a nice way. Once he told us 'Give your worms a sleeping pill...they're too active'. We cut down on the number of holes soon in our frames after that."
Daphne D.
"Very soothing, restful, comfortable...So appealing, yet sophisticated...but not too sophisticated so as to be formal and cold."
"I know other designers, but this design firm has a certain touch. You feel restful sense that the choice of colors, the scale, the wood finishes exude. Like the colors of the ocean, the beach, the sky...Twetten's has a way of making the home feel like you're in a caccoon...comfy yet there's snap and fun."
"And the Twetten Blue...it's so out there!!!"
Jon W.
"I must say that, first what a grand store. I think it is the equal to any I have visited in Washington, and two, what an extraordinary contribution your family has made to the cultural life of the area. I think I could be quite happy living there."